Electric car charging stations

The General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) has presented proposals for the location of electric car charging stations to appear along the main traffic routes.
The proposals include 166 locations, the vast majority of which (145) are to be located at MOPs (English: Place of Service for Travellers) and the remainder (21) at car parks. In 112 locations charging stations will be placed on both sides of the road, in 49 on one side of the road and 5 locations will be car parks on one side of the road but for traffic in both directions. The charging stations will be located mainly along motorways (A1, A2 and A4) and expressways (S7 and S17).
In addition, in the locations indicated, the GDDKiA plans to expand the infrastructure to the level required for truck charging, with a target of all 166 locations by 2030. Moreover, the indicated locations are also to be equipped with private chargers. The GDDKiA declares that it will facilitate the leasing procedure at the planned stations.
Combining this with no requirement to have a concession to operate an electric vehicle charging service business opens up interesting investment opportunities in the still young electromobility sector in Poland.
The rapid expansion of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure is needed, given the continued growth of interest in such vehicles in Poland. The planned stations will join those already established, i.e. 3068 stations, some of which being free of charge.
JDP Newsletter authored by Michał Drozdowicz, Head of Energy and Renewables, and Karol Brunejko, Associate in the Energy and Renewables team.
If you would like to find out more about electromobility, please feel free to contact us.
Michał Drozdowicz – attorney-at-law, Partner, Head of Energy and Renewables
Karol Brunejko – Associate in the Energy and Renewables