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Attorney-at-law in the Transaction and Contract Counselling Team, in the Corporate and commercial disputes specialisation. He specialises in white collar crimes, including proceedings concerning alleged regulated market abuse (also in light of the Market Abuse Regulation), criminal fiscal proceedings and matters regarding administrative fines imposed on entrepreneurs. He represents clients as a defence counsel and an auxiliary prosecutor attorney.

He devises and audits internal regulations intended to mitigate entrepreneurs’ liability under the AML, whistleblowing, criminal compliance provisions.

Lecturer on white collar crimes and AML at the postgraduate studies at the Jagiellonian University. His publications could be read in Parkiet, Doradca Restrukturyzacyjny, Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych, Przegląd Sądowy, Monitor Prawniczy, and others. Co-author of the Commentary to the act on counteracting money laundering and terrorist financing published by C.H. Beck (2021 and 2024).

Selected projects

  • defending clients in criminal proceedings involving alleged fraud, acting to the company’s detriment, power abuse, misappropriation, VAT fraud, unauthorised access to information, bribery at executive positions, money laundering, participation in an organised criminal group;
  • defending clients in capital market-related criminal proceedings in connection with alleged stock market manipulation, unauthorised offering of financial instruments, insider dealing;
  • representing clients in proceedings regarding administrative fines imposed by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority on issuers and investment firms;
  • devising AML and compliance internal regulations (e.g. whistleblowing, anti-bribery, compliance and internal control system), also in light of the DPSN 2021 requirements.

Professional experience

  • since 2022 JDP DRAPAŁA & PARTNERS
  • 2017–2022 Królikowski Marczuk Dyl adwokaci i radcowie prawni sp.p.
  • 2016–2017 Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland


  • 2020–2021 Kozminski University, postgraduate studies, Compliance Analyst and AML
  • 2017–2019 Warsaw Bar Association, advocate trainee
  • 2011–2016 University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration


  • Polish
  • English