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Associate in the Corporate and Commercial Disputes Team. She specialises in court proceedings, including in particular complex corporate disputes over the validity of resolutions of corporate bodies, determination of the shareholding structure, broadly defined financial services litigation, including representation of financial institutions in court proceedings regarding invalidity of provisions under contracts concluded with consumers, and acts of unfair competition.

For the past three years, she has also been handling civil and commercial proceedings regarding large infrastructure projects in Poland concerning primarily contractual penalties, withdrawal from construction contracts and remuneration for additional and substitute works. She has also advised entities from the construction, infrastructure and real estate sectors.

Professional experience

  • since 2020 JDP DRAPAŁA & PARTNERS
  • 2020 JDP DRAPAŁA & PARTNERS, internship
  • 2019–2020 Bartosz Głowacki Law Firm, internship


  • 2021–2023 Regional Bar Association in Warsaw, advocate trainee
  • 2020–2021 post-graduate studies, Public Procurement Law
  • 2019–2020 TechLawClinic – international project co-financed from the Erasmus+ programme
  • 2018–2020 School of German Law at the University of Łódź
  • 2018–2019 University of Münster, Germany
  • 2015–2020 University of Łódź, Faculty of Law and Administration


  • 2016–2020 rector’s scholarship for the best students of the University of Łódź for academic achievements and high average grade


  • Szansa dla byłych członków zarządu spółki z o.o. na skuteczną obronę [Chance for effective defence for former management board members of limited liability companies]; Rzeczpospolita, 04.2023
  • Roboty budowlane: jakie roszczenia przysługują wykonawcy w razie przedłużenia okresu realizacji inwestycji [Construction works: what claims contractors have if the time for project completion gets extended]; Rzeczpospolita, 05.2021
  • Kiedy dojdzie do opóźnień – czyli jakie roszczenia mogą przysługiwać wykonawcy robót budowlanych w związku z przedłużeniem okresu realizacji inwestycji? [When delays happen – what claims construction contractors may have due to an extension of the time for project completion?] Raport Sekocenbud, 06.2021
  • Spory z zakresu robót budowlanych – zdarzenia z budowy należy dokumentować zanim dojdzie do sporu [Disputes over construction works – construction site events should be documented before a dispute arises]; Rzeczpospolita, 04.2021