We are pleased to inform you that C.H. Beck publishing house has just released the second edition of the “Code of Commercial Companies. Commentary” edited by Zbigniew Jara, Legal Counsel and Rechtsanwalt, Managing Partner in JARA DRAPAŁA & PARTNERS within its series Duże Komentarze Becka [Beck’s Extensive Commentaries]. The authors of the Commentary are renowned attorneys and legal counsels, including Marcin Chomiuk, Partner in JARA DRAPAŁA & PARTNERS.
The Commentary extensively presents the views of legal academics and commentators as well as recent judicial decisions, and is supported by current literature from the said field and related areas. The publication treats among others of the following issues: in-depth analysis of the respective types of commercial companies, including their grounding, organizing, operating and dissolution; as well as merger, division, transformation; and criminal provisions of the discussed act.
Furthermore, the said edition covers all recent changes of the commercial companies law.
The publication is addressed both to legal practitioners, i.e. attorneys, legal counsels, judges, and to doctoral students, legal apprentices and students.