The JDP’s Transaction Team represented a purchaser in acquisition of a shared services centre located in Poland. The sale was carried out between two international concerns and involved a shared services centre providing services to the entire group.

Prior to the transaction JDP carried out a comprehensive due diligence involving corporate, contract, labour and regulatory issues.

Since the purchase agreement was concluded in accordance with foreign law, the transaction required cross-border cooperation with foreign law firms, both on the seller’s and the purchaser’s part. Our foreign partner working with us on the transaction summed up JDP’s involvement with the following words: “It was very helpful to have a reliable partner in Poland. Professional support and quick response were also remarkable“ [„Es war für uns eine große Hilfe, einen verlässlichen Partner in Polen zu haben. Auch Ihre stets sehr schnelle und kompetente Unterstützung und Reaktion waren hervorragend!“], says Marcin Chomiuk, Partner, Head of the Transaction and Contract Counselling Team in JDP.

The JDP’s Team led by Marcin Chomiuk consisted of advocate Marcin Lewiński, attorney-at-law Barbara Kaczała, and Associates: Adam Usiądek, Daria Gromotka and Zuzanna Cybulska.

In the transaction the seller was represented by Greenberg Traurig.