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Contracts (Commercial)

  • Agreements: distribution, R&D (development and implementation for manufacturing purposes/commercialisation), Technology Implementation Supplies
  • General terms of contracts/contract templates
  • Rules and regulations for competitions
  • Contracts governed by foreign law (in cooperation with a lawyer from the relevant jurisdiction)
  • Contractual protection of intellectual property
  • Taxation of supplies and services in commercial transactions, including international relations
Contracts (Commercial)

We are well aware of how important it is to properly secure relations with a contracting party, and that a well-prepared contract should protect the client’s interests when these relations do not go as planned. We combine expertise with business expectations while providing legal security to our clients, particularly with regard to situations that no one expected at the time of concluding the contract. We draft not only contract templates, including general terms of sale and service provision, but also complex “tailor-made” contracts.

We analyse contracts comprehensively, taking into account both commercial and legal and tax issues. Also, we take into consideration aspects of personal data protection and intellectual property protection. Working closely with foreign law firm partners, we carry out projects extending beyond the Polish jurisdiction, providing clients with comprehensive services for their cross-border ventures. We speak English and German.

We also support our clients during negotiations, as well as in enforcing contract provisions in the event of their non-performance or improper performance by the contracting party.

We support our clients’ advertising and marketing activities by creating legal frameworks for such activities, including rules and regulations, guidelines or bulletins for their promotional campaigns, competitions and loyalty programmes. We review draft contracts received by our clients from their contracting parties, with a view to ensure safe implementation of their business plans.

1. We advise on and draft documentation in particular as regards:

  • Contracts
    • Distribution contracts – for manufacturers, suppliers and distributors, concerning different types of distribution (exclusive, selective, exclusive purchasing or franchise), taking into account aspects relating to liquidity, intellectual property protection, know-how and competition law;
    • R&D contracts covering research and development work on products and their subsequent implementation into serial production and commercialisation;
    • Contracts for delivery – both occasional and framework, regulating the entire production process in terms of parts and final product, leading to the expansion of the client’s business at home and into new geographical areas;
    • Service contracts related to the maintenance of equipment, machines and their components, as well as comprehensive service contracts supporting operations of foreign clients in Poland;
    • Contracts for technology implementation, including implementation of complex solutions (e.g. unique production lines);
    • Contracts for financing, both intra-group (e.g. cash pooling) and external financing (including, in addition to classic financing, also leasing), together with the development of relevant collateral;
    • Agency contracts, regulating the principles of cooperation within the agency relationship, both in terms of sale and provision of services;
    • Other contracts – relating to economic cooperation between business entities and between related entities.
  • General terms of contracts, contract templates, including:
    • regulating the rules of purchase and sale in professional trading, including within the supply chain, thus simplifying the contracting process;
    • concerning the sale of goods and the provision of services to end customers, including consumers.
  • Rules and regulations, announcements and guidelines for competitions, loyalty programmes conducted as part of the client’s advertising and marketing activities;
  • Contracts governed by foreign law in close cooperation with lawyers from the relevant jurisdiction;
  • Contractual protection of intellectual property owned or to be created or developed for the client’s business needs;
  • Taxation of deliveries and services in commercial transactions, including international relations.